quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012

Aumentar a memória SWAP sem formatar


Hoje fiz um teste para aumentar a memória SWAP sem precisar formatar e deu certo! Segue a dica.

Additional swap may be added to system by creating a file and assigning it as swap. This is achieved as follows. Create the swap file using the dd command (the size can be changed by adjusting the count= variable; the following creates a 131MB file):

 # dd if=/dev/zero of=/newswap bs=1024 count=128000128000+0 records in
128000+0 records out
131072000 bytes (131 MB) copied, 1.7639 seconds, 74.3 MB/s

Configure the file as swap:

# mkswap /newswapSetting up swapspace version 1, size = 131067 kB

Add the swap file to the system in real-time:

# swapon /newswap
Finally, modify the /etc/fstab to automatically add the new swap at system boot time by adding the following line:

 /newswap    swap    swap   defaults 0 0

Execute o comando free -m antes de executar o comando acima e execute depois para verificar a diferença.

Fonte: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Adding_and_Managing_CentOS_Swap_Space


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